seem like god does not consider my feeling, one by one in short time, i must feel painful to loss my family forefer, yesterday on 18th 12 2008, my grandpa also was comeback to the "god house" in there..., and now i am really sick, too hurt...
many advice, many support come and make me relize one day all people also will die...
so we can not change our destiny, god was determine that..., i do hope this sad tragedy will give positive contribution to me, especially my parents and my big family...
and now, so sorry to all, because my blog was become something personal, because only with this blog i can write my feeling...
so this blog also will become my life note
my sadness part II
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 2:38 AM 1 comments
Labels: mine
your PoWer
guys everyone is different, so make that different become your power....
my power is that different from others
do you get it ?
let me explain....
i take my self as a sample :
my different form others are :
1. i am not rich, so i must work hard since in the early i entered in amikom, i try to be disclipine not depend on my parents, i try as i can to not demand money from my parents, because they are getting old, and in that time economic situation of my family is so bad
but i am not mawkish even i must work part time, sacrifice my time to study, sacrifice my time to sleep, sacrifice my time to play like others, i am not shy to work, those give me understanding how difficult to life..
2. i admit my skill : english, singing, computer : i was obtain money from those, i was be adjudicator in debate competition, translater, amikom choir, and customer service....
3. my thought : i try to understand all kinds of people, sociable, reliable, positive thinking, i try to not be an arrogant people because only God that suite to be an arrogant
those made me special for me
and right now, come on find what is different from you compare with others ??????
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 1:04 AM 1 comments
Labels: blog
my sadness part 1
first, actually in my blog, i just want to write a public matter, but ithink this important for me
on 6 december 2008, my grandma was living me forever, she was go to the god home, last i just talk with her by phone and she said vid grandma was eaten, getting health....
i love you my grandma......
you dont accomplish your promise to me
i am so sorry for all
now, i really understand i do love you
i understand every people will die
and god was regulate that all
happyness, sadness was determine by god
last god please love my grand ma there....
put her into your heaven..
this writing be my memorian in my life, one day i will remember that by reading this....
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 12:05 AM 0 comments
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tips to look for Job and succeed in interview
just like this : every people have excellence , so means you also absolutely have it
actually company not always accept an employee by seing a higest skill, but manner, interaction, performance and everything, so you can show off in one or few of that.
the most important you must have :
1. the spirit of competition : think "i can", dont think "i cant"
2. discipline : on time, this is important because for first perspective to you from company ( in interview condition)
3. motivation : NEVER think you are not OK and you are not capable
4. Skill : try to study, not mind even if you have low skill, still there training from company, and you can still study
5. attitude : habitual, shake hands, talking, in the interview process, just show off, package your answer as good as posible, confidence
6. preparation : performance, the way you sit, smile, active..
hope those would be useful
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 10:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: blog
Pornography and Pornoaction Law
my core why agree with UUAPP : because of protection, good role model for young generation.
some contents :
-Pornography is the material that sexuality is created by humans in the form of images, sketches, illustrations, photographs, writing, sound, sound, moving pictures, animation, cartoons, minstrelsy, conversation, body movement, or any other form of communication message through various forms of media and communications / or performance in public, which can arouse sexual desire and / or violate the values of decency in the community.
- Everyone is prohibited to produce, create, reproduce, reproduce, disseminate, broadcast, importing, exporting, offering, trade and buy, rent, or provide a load of pornography: making love, including sexual violence, Masturbation, nudity or view the impressive nudity or genitalia.
so at least what i see this bills can be a prevention to all people to express their freedom of expression in term of sexual
and i see it need to be done, because we are in religion country, and what so ever we dont need to show off something that related to the sexual, because that is enough in term of privacy and dont need to show to public and also the influence to other is so big if there is something action about sex that consume by people (human), because every human have a sex desire so those action that related to the sex will directly come to our brain and to our "human needed" as a human so its why proof that influence in term of something that related to the sex is so big
we need protect our young generation
if you are parents, you need protect your children (is it correct?, so aggree with me)
if you are children you need to be protected, you need good role model (is it correct ?, so agree with me)
so guys to all people who againts bill, you can not ignore some benefit of this constitution
so pornography and Pornoaction Law also can educate us
please open your mind, and speak up
read more.....
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 4:06 AM 0 comments
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expert in computer and few language
are you?
right now, my way in progressing to accomplish that, i try to be expert in computer and i go to amikom jogjakarta to study, and i try to expert in english, i follow english organisation at amikom and i try show my quality until i can be part of amikom debate team to compete in national grade..
i am so happy because by follow that competition means need a lot of preparation, so i need work hard to repair my english and my brain, because debate need a smart people that know all information around the world issue and how they see that issue
and now, i am also take a couse for germany language at arkha paramitha institution in jogja, my desire right now is not in english again but in germany language, i want expert on that
because there is something target on that in my life
so guys not means that in this blog i want to show that i am the best one
but i just want to share to you all, and my self be a comparison
i am sure i am still not get the best one in my life
come on guys, make your self proud
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 2:53 AM 0 comments
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advantages to be debater
almost debater have a strict perspective, and they good in communication, and have a high confidence...
are you debater ??
real debater is someone who have a principal that their enemy is "nothing", and their judge is "god" means they are good competitor, because by those motto show that they believe with their ability, that actually the most important one, because if you dont believe with your ability how you will be the winning in the competition ?????, so there will be just two option : dead or win
so guys if we implemet that motto in facing our day, i believe we will be the winner
"legends are made by work hard"
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 2:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: blog
so life give us a lesson how to see the run down of our life
i do hope all of you can understand by this blog about "confidence"
i do confidence
are you confidence??
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 2:11 AM 0 comments
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tips and tricks for success
there a few way from my empiris how to be succeed :
1. Become populer : join the organization, become an active student, Have many friends, sociable
2. Become smart : have spesific skill and always study hard
3. always pray : dont forget to praying to god , that become strongest media to us
4. open mind : always self-correction, proces all the critic for us and always improve
5. No enemy
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 5:10 AM 0 comments
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Application Letter
here is the example :
Yogyakarta, july 30, 2008
The Manager
General Administration Division
PT. NEC Indonesia
jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 62 - 62, Jakarta 12190
Dear sir,
in response your advertisement in kompas dated sunday, july 26, 2008, i am interested in submitting my application letter.
My name is David Agustriawan, and i am a fresh graduated from Amikom Yogyakarta, majoring in information technology, i was graduated in 23 july 2008. now i am 22 years old.
from the requirements you stated in the advertisement, i believe that i fulfill the qualification you need for the position as junior analyst , since i am familiar with information technology side, when i was student, i was used to travelling since i joined some student organizations in my campus, for that reason working in a team is something that i have experienced.
I am ready to sit on interview at any time which is convince to you and i hope will be part of your team.
sincerly yours,
David Agustriawan
note : so guys to make application letter need opening ( how you know the information about that company need staff), content(explain who are you and make them trust you are capable and fulfil the requirements) and closing (something that show you that you are confidence to be part of the company)
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 6:14 AM 0 comments
Labels: blog
EVERYONE have their ultimate of life but everyone also have a different time to understand about that.....
so many people so many different sometimes we need to achieve an equality without measure our merit and ability, that s human....
everyone need a time to reliaze about everything.....
so for you all, try to understand earlier, it's better
always think positive
world was adequate full, with crimes, hate, cheat, corruption, immoral ......
because they dont understand
the key to be good person is " understand your ultimate of life"
it would answer your way
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 5:57 AM 0 comments
Labels: mine
my motivation
"Pain don't hurt."
"Shower the people you love with love!"
"Legends are made where genius meets hard work and timing."
"You'll never be lonely if you learn to befriend yourself."
"Believe it, and you'll see it. Know it and you'll be it."
"In the end, it will all be ok. If it's not ok, then it's not the end!"
"Rope it, ride it, wrestle it, cowboy it."
"It's better to be a has been than a never was."
"If you're hated, you're doing something right."
"Be the change that you want to see in the world."
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 5:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: blog
--life is always do a rotation, when you get something you will loss something....--
--life is so cruel, and life be in our hand base on our effort--
yes i see fail and victory is depend on me
but somehow it is not really true, i also will not understand why i fail and why i fail
because i have done my best effort
always fail and it hurt, i always try to be best in everything...
and all for the best because i am afraid to be optimist, i am afraid if i can not reach my goal
my failure is so big
shy, shame...... always come to me
wow not easy to be me....
stupid man
and all of that make me relize that i am not special
nothing special......
some how, all my failure is really hurt me
make me sad
make me afraid
but what i can do now just
i never stop to expect my best in my life
i never stop to try
because i believe with the rotation
i believe with my effort
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Labels: mine
song lyrics
because of love by david
we can not...
for refers to
in early
love is so beautiful
make us fly
like float
fell the world just ours
untill the end
will not be a part
all was break
love still life
will not lost
because of love we exist
because of love we can
because of love we mature
all about love
made us be part forever...
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 8:47 AM 0 comments
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This orphanage named "sayap ibu", collecting children from infants up to age 3 years old .....
they are so funny......
the place is in seturan, the area of Yogyakarta, exactly Jl. rajawali 3, pringwulung, Condongcatur , Sleman, indonesia
Established by Sutomo, mrs. Sukardi and mrs. G. Sunaryo in 1955 as a response to care about babies who born outside marriage, or due to social and economic position of prospective mothers who are less profitable, so it is not among the few babies who become the victims by dropping their own parents.
this is the web sites:
So if you guys interested to visit them
just contact me at, and I will help you .....
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 10:42 AM 0 comments
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I was very interested in the debate world, and i was follow the debate, such as: race debate among national universities in Indonesia, and active in forums such as jogjadebatingforum(debate forum), and english organizations in my campus AMikom Yogyakarta, going debate that I follow is uses the English language, many benefits that we can obtain from debate, for example: we can be skilled in public speaking, has a vision for our life and add a sense of confidence and sometimes to be a debater also influential in the style of life and in determine our perspective , we will try to reject or receive something in everything, usually people who take their debate can be said of those who SmaRt and although they originally is not too smart, the debate World will motivate them to become smart people then he he ...
really, nice to follow debate ....
just invite your friends, join to the community, or create a community ....
information about debate can be found in
or in google: just type the word "indodebater"
Hopefully useful.....
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 4:26 PM 0 comments
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global warming
Then when the impact is felt, some people include: ALGHOR candidates of the United States president to promote attention to environment damage, and several European countries whom wise...., this act also cant make relize all society, example: Bush considers that aLgor is Mad, because the theories is considered quite hot and bouquets, and many other countries that do not ratify the Kyoto Protocol (the mechanism to save the environment, more complete search on google,ok), it can be concluded that awareness of the world is still very poor, the global warming is a problem for all of us, yes right?
I just want to inform you, come on we begin save the environment from our self, many ways that you can do such as: keep using your electricity, which contain CFC (greenhouse gases), find products that do not cause effects greenhouse, so avoiding the use of plastic shopping or to the National stores carry their own bags or use the friendly environmently bag, guard the forest, planting trees and any action that you can do for the sake of the environment,the most important that you have "awarnest", so come on guys try to keep the environment
I thought to understand about global warming You can watch movies: "inconvinient truth")
last: Stop Global Warming! :)
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 3:55 PM 2 comments
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the most romantic message
"I don't love a woman because she is beautiful or sexy, but she is beautiful because i love her......"
snow story
With high curiosity, Belinda asked, "Why do some color white hair Mama?"
Mama said, " every time you make a naughty to mommy or complain, a piece of hair of mama would be changed so white."
belinda is thinking about her mama answer briefly before continuing, "I now understand why all the grandmother hair is white ...."
I LoVe YoU mom....
