Computers can be used as a means of stimulation. However, do not let children addiction for that.
The question is, may the toddler introduce to the computer? The answer, it's okay. Moreover, this technology can not be avoided to use in the present and future.
However, there are a few things should consider by a parent, such as:
1. Introducing computers peripheral
The first step is to introduce children to the computer hardware, such as where the mouse, keyboard, Central Processing Unit (CPU), modem (if visible), speakers, and monitors. Explain each function one by one according to the understanding of the child.
Principally, the child can touch the device if not connected to electricity directly. Take care for the cable and environment around the computer area in order to avoid short circuit occurs or the possibility attack by electric shock by certain parts of the computer device. we do not need to teach toddlers how to turn on the computer because it is usually in contact with the stabilizer directly related to electrical wires.
In order for the introduction of the computer device is comfortable, find the child table or chair in accordance with his size (ergonomic). That way, the toddler can use it with ease. For example, do not let the location of the mouse and the monitor is too high so that the heads should look up that can cause fatigue. Just so you know, tools are not ergonomic work was not good for the anatomy of the child for the long term.
2. Recognizing Edutainment program
Initially focused on computer data processing. However, because the rapidly growing technology, today computers have become a means of information and education. Well, the second thing that can try is to introduce children to the application programs (software) that are educating and entertaining is the combination of education and entertainment. Application program is able to develop creativity, imagination, and train child motor nerves. For example, a game know it, make a simple pasel, looking for the same thing, knowing letters, knows colors, songs, and so on. Usually, for the toddler who emphasized the introduction of pictures, colors, and sounds.
actually for this case ofcourse there are positive effect and negative effect, it depends on parents in managing this method so that we can avoid the negative effect.
positive effects : it can stimulate the toddler brain, trigger them to further study, and teach them to concentrate in something and so forth.
negative effect : radiation effect of monitor, so parents should setting the monitor, about the distance between monitor and user and then ligthening in the room and so forth, and then software selection, the matterial should not have abusement and violation. limitation of time so that the toodler do not addict with computer.
source :
/by : David Agustriawan
Plus Minus Computers For The Toddler
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 10:41 PM 0 comments
Tips to be ready study in the morning
Actually this is just on my experience and i found one theory for "brain exercise" and i think it works because i felt that and i can absorb all the knowledge that was given by the Professor in the morning in that time, and i am really shock and willing to write here, come on here we go :
During learning process in the morning to obtain the maximum result we should ready to get the
knowledge from our teacher, and how to manage your brain is :
1. wake up early may be at 05.00 a.m
2. Doing "brain exercise", read your books at least for thirty minutes for the lessons that you will face on that day
3. dont come late and breakfast
may be it just a simple tips, but if you be one of international students in abroad it would be very
useful for you, because you should pass the grade especially for scholarship program unless you
will loss anything
i do hope i can do my best and create something great here he he he. Aminnnnn
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 9:53 PM 0 comments
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Study in abroud
When you want to study in abroad there are a few thing that you should prepare, such as :
1. english language
2. destination language
3. money
4. skill / method for study
5. willingness and high motivation
let me explain point by point above he he :
when you are able to speak english it will really help you since english is international language, and almost lectures, teaching and learning process will use english. prepare your self, you should have a brave to speak, pronunciation, and practice
we need to know about local language in destination country, because it would help you to communicate, buying food, english is not always able to be understood by local people, and one benefit again you can work part time by local language
if you study abroud not from scholarship program i am sure that you are Rich but else means you follow scholarship program, you should prepare your money at least 10 million in the early, it would include all the thing such as : ticket, any requirement, insurance and anything before scholarship incentive comes to you. even if you got scholarship incentive you still need to manage your financial, may be you can cook by your self, it would be really help to save our money..
commonly all books, papers will available in english, presentation also will always happen, sometimes lectures will use local language, so when you want to apply for scholarship you should ask to the officer, does that program will be taught in english ??, it really need, so make sure for that. the most important that you have a high motivation to study....
this part is the most important thing, controlling your self, focus and enjoy, the way is that make a planning what would you achieve as long as you study abroad, praying, smile, chatting he he and so forth...
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 7:15 PM 0 comments
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The power of prayer
this is true story :
god hear my prayer, i believe in the miracle, i believe with ALLAH SWT because i feel the mercy in my life....
i trust you god, when i pray and ask something to you : and then you show me your power, you give the way....
even though i can not tell the story here, i loss my control right now, my tears fall down, because of the mercy from ALLAH SWT....
if i trace back my life, i believe god really loves me, god understand me, forgive my mistake, give me the way to reach success....
this topic is just sound of my feeling, thank you god, thank you god, thank you.......
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 9:38 PM 0 comments
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How if i do not have a religion ?
Me : have you a religion ?
student : no i do not have
when i hear that statement, actually little bit shock but i think it is fine
so rise a question in my mind :
1. What is a benefit and harmful to have a God or not ?
2. Whether we should proud to people who does not have a religion ?
In one side i think that is a real freedom, what is needed is that tolerate and self controlling ( People in Taiwan was implement that, does Indonesian that really support democracy and tolerance is able to implement that ? )
In answering the issue number one above :
i think some of rule from god is able to control us and as a principal of life, so it becomes a good pointer for human, but in the different point of view human is able to create their own principal of life since all the thing will comeback to each people awareness
in some research : some people said that the different is in stress level in human, people who have religion will have more stable for controlling their self ( may be yes may be no ).
for responding the issue number two above :
people have their own way, none people can intervene in people right especially whether they need to have a religion or not, so absolutely i proud of them, because they believe with their choice.
so what do you think ?
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 3:16 AM 0 comments
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how to create Autobiography ?
David Agustriawan received a Bachelor degree in Information Technology from Amikom University in 2008. During his undergraduate study, he focused his skill in : Database and programming language, in other hand he also was really interested in foreign languages, right now he is able to speak three foreign language, such as : English, Germany, Mandarin. His thesis for undergraduate level created a mapping area of tourism object in South Sumatera, Indonesia. In his undergraduate study in Yogyakarta. Indonesia, He worked as a web programming for freelance, translator for English-Indonesia and vice versa at Medikom translator company and become adjudicator for English debating competition around Yogyakarta and in national English debate competition since he was part of Yogyakarta debating forum and he got A for adjudicator accreditation score in national grade. After graduation, he worked as lecturer assistance at Amikom University for 1 year in some courses such as : introduction of information technology, programming language C++, and database processing. He also serves as coach of English debating society at Amikom University for training all Amikom debaters to compete in national level and also to encourage and develop English skill for Amikom students. Furthermore He also taught for internet programming courses at ABA Cinema University as long as 1 semester. And currently, he was continue his study in master level at Asia University, Taiwan. And major in Bioinformatics. In the meantime, he has been with international language corner at Asia university as an English teacher, particularly to improve the communication skill for students since august 2009. His research interests are in the areas of Bioinformatics, recently his research direction focuses on interaction between drugs and target proteins.
read more.....Posted by Bujang Silampari at 5:24 AM 0 comments
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Tips become the best in academic
I just want to share about how my way to be the best in academic, simple the answer is that study, may be the different with other is that method in studying.
1. One book for one course
2. The time for study, if possible everyday, i usually start at 19.00 - 21.00 then 05.00 - 06.00 and one day : 1 until 3 course so it is for 1 semester, ex : Monday : i learn about Biology, English then Tuesday : i learn about Computer and so fort.
3. Do that continuously
4. Following the extra course if you need, example : mandarin course or etc
5. For the course is like : Programming, it need more exercise, so you need more explore your self in try the formula and then make a program, analyze the program, learn the programs in programming book.
Motivation :
Before you try never think you can not do (-1 is better then 0), you will not know your ability since you never try
Defeating and winning is needed, when you got both of that, you are able to be a strong man
legends are made by work hard
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 1:02 AM 1 comments
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Tips for speaking and writing english
1. In writing east people usually more explanation and not to the point so 1 sentence is not clear enough. They prefer to make it as long as possible. In other hand west people never do that, they make 1 sentence become clear able to understand.
In scientific paper eg: thesis. We must use west people style in writing
2. In speaking, west people always carefully with their pronunciation (a, i, u, e, o), we should clearly spell that in speaking, and east people do not focus on that even never learn about that, our teacher just give us more in grammar
So if you want to be good spoken English, you should carefully with two tips above
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 5:03 PM 0 comments
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two weeks at taiwan
and i try my best to understand about mandarin language soon, i promise ^_^
live in dorm at asia university somehow make me can not enjoy my room, because i have 3 roommate and as you know, i will not have a privacy, i can not manage the room, i should consider their feeling everyday, so i should stop to over talk and over do, i lost my freedom
even if i am really happy in getting this full scholarship, somehow i feel bored in taiwan, especially in my room, what should i do god ???, hope all will be ok....
for last five days, i felt so bored, i ca not concentrate in my study, i need to refresh my self, i want go outside the dorm...
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 2:23 AM 2 comments
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benefit of debating for master degree
debate is so helpful for master degree because the method that use in debating is also pretty much same even equal for us to presentation our original paper and use the method of debate, and during the class we also always discuss about the course and debate skill is so helpful
debate skill is seem like you exercise your self about speaking, confidence, structure for presentation, and our communication skill, and how to convince people make them trust
so in my conclusion, debate is related to the life sector, critical thinking,think fast, and confidence
i love debate
thanks god
thanks amikom english club
thanks for all debater around me he he
read more.....
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 10:03 AM 1 comments
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full scholarship student
but after i follow the scholarship program and take then enjoy that, i know no people is perfect and there is no impossible, the most important is you are confidence with your self, brave and just think that you are special
because the one who should respect your self is yours and dont think that you are stupid, dont think that you are not capable, dont give up before you try, everything can be changed
so far to be full scholarship student make me understand that it is amazing, everything can be managed, dont afraid, you will fail, dont afraid the money is not enough he he
in abroud we are special, native people respect us more then local people, so it will be a lot of wonderful thing that you will get
so chance will not comes two times, if you have a great chance just take it, just do your best, never think the result, because the judge is god
at the end, to be full scholarship is a prestige and the way to obtain bright future
read more.....
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 8:13 AM 0 comments
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become interesting people
the way are :
1. polite : respect all people
2. understanding about everything related to other people
3. don not arrogant
4. make they trust that you are a good person for them
so we should capable to be reliable, seem like this jargon "think globally act locally", so we should
smart to put our position in every single person and every single condition, when you can
achieve that i believe your way will be easily and god will love you...
relationship is more then skill and key of life
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 2:29 AM 0 comments
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experience, friendship, winning, defeating, tears, happiness, prestige, and etc, thank you allah.
let me told you about me as long as in jogja ^_^ here we go, this is true story :
In the begining in 20004 : i go to jogjakarta from lubuk linggau (part of palembang region), by bus, and i dont have any family in jogjakarta, i dont know, just follow my feeling and my parents suggestion but i love it, then my neighbour in sumatera that already study in jogja take me for a few months in his bourding house, my goal is only one, i want entering Stimik AMIKOM Yogyakarta, and i take my major in information technology (i know AMIKOM from television and internet, and i believe).
During my bachelor degree many empiris that i have done in jogja : active in debating society of AMIKOM, debate in everywhere around indonesia, all cost is provided by my collage, in this torney also i found my new family, new sister and brother, we are fighting together, care each others, supporting each others, i love you all full, here there are : Doni Agustian, Custiana, Mandahadi Kusuma, Muhammad Ridwan, Sulidar Fitri, Imam mutakim, Ruslan Abdul Gani, Lutfie, Dwindy stanza, Kharisma Chendika Putra, Rizka Bella, Putri Rianti, Avief Bimantara, Nurmalikhatun, Frian, Nunung, Redy, and all AEC ranggers.
then i also have ever work part time in mentari disc rental here we go :
rental for cd well program, film, songs, really hard to work here, after about 6 months i dont know why it could be, i have last rank of all employer even new employer is in up position even they dont know all the program, film and everything, then i protest to my boss but the answer is simple, he/mas arie call me and said david we need to improve mentari so you better out of mentari, i am so sorry that is because the valuation, wow great, then i go with so sad but confuse because actually valuation is not fair for me but let it go
after 1 week out from mentari i accepted in fortunet that is internet cafe i work there about 4 months, i believe that god love me, and i trust i am not so stupid like what mas arie mentari thinks, he is supervisor of mentari until now not graduated from university may be DO, his salary a month about 1000000 - 2000000, having wife and children and his life depends on mentari, but many grateful for mas arie because of you i can complete my final project and i believe that is allah way for me, i am sorry mas arie to write this, i dont hate you
the reason why i work is because i need money and i am not rich.
Then when i was student i also be part of amikom choir, i was a translater in medikom, adjudicator for debating competition around jogja, so even if my major is IT but english is my life, but i am sure i love IT too.
I have many friends : positive one and negative one means that : any baground of people is interesting for me, naughty but smart and ellegant he he that the most important, still use your brain. then at the end in august 28th 2008 i was graduated from STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, it was so interesting, because in that graduation agenda where is so formal activity and so many parents and students attend for that ceremony include my parents and my family and i speech as a delegation from all students in front of them, really proud, then i also sing a song in front of them ho ho ho, and in the graduation book, my picture is as a background, i just said waw on that day, and i got my diploma for my bachelor then my planning is i will go back to palembang and looking for job there.
But mr Erik call me and offering me to be lecture assistent in AMIKOM, i am so confuse then after discuss with my sister and my mom then i took that, and i teach and be part of amikom lecture, i thing so different because only one week after graduate and then i be a lecture, i teach many people, wow so in that time my alteration that i feel, well in fashion and everything, but i love it so much, at AMIKOM between lecture and asistent lecture is same, the different is only the salary he he he, as long as teaching at AMIKOM, many empiris that i got, many knowledge that i got, and something positive comes to me, taeching is something drugs when i am stress, looking for people interest to get my lesson is heaven for me, looking for the eyes of ladies student who have a feeling and care then love me he he is something satisfaction for me, got critics is something trouble but fun for me because none perfect, i love it so much...
After 1 years or 2 period of teaching at AMIKOM, i got something great that is offering from mr Dibyo he is my english lecture, for following full scholarship program at Asia University Taiwan, then i follow that, and i also accepted in that program, wow wonderful, so i should continue my master degree in Bioinformatics on september 13th 2009
this is my last time in jogjakarta for 2 years later, coz show must go on
but before go to taiwan i will comeback first to my hometown at Lubuk Linggau to meet my parents and all my family there
cheers ^_^
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 7:09 PM 0 comments
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Visa Taiwan
1. DEPKUMHAN : so you should verified your diploma and transcript there, 1 document need 25000 rupiahs, and need 3 days to complete that.
adress : Jalan HR Rasuna said kav 6-7, kuningan, south jakarta,
work time : 09.00 - 15.00.
remember :
You should bring your diploma and transcript that already verified by your university. and you should also prepare "signature spesimen (spesimen tandatangan)" it needs by DEPKUMHAM, you can make it by your self, make in table, content are : name, position, paraf, signature, cap of your university (this is for people who verified your diploma and transcript / if your diploma and transcript was signed by directure of your university so you should make his / her spesimen tandatangan, make it in A4 lanscape).
2. DEPLU : after verified in DEPKUMHAM your diploma and transcript also should be verified in DEPLU, 1 document need 10000 rupiahs, and it need about 2-3 days, you can ask to the officer to get it faster.
adress : jalan pejambon no 6, jakarta pusat
3. TETO (taiwan ambassador) : after you verified in DEPKUMHAN and DEPLU your diploma, transcript, and others data that required for TETO in applying resident visa, it need about 1 week, 1 data need 168000 rupiahs
adress : artha graha, 12th floor, jalan jendral sudirman, kav 52-53, jakarta.
4. then you can apply for resident visa in TETO too : it need 3 days and the cost is 726000 rupiahs
requirements to apply resident visa :
1. fill in the Application letter and photo 4 x 6
2. passport (you can check in your immigration office, cost about 300000 rupiahs, requirements : identity card, fill in the application letter, letter of recomendation from your university, the proses will take about 1 week)
3. letter of acceptance from your destination university
4. diploma which be verified by TETO (original + copy)
5. copy of family card
6. certificate of medhical check up (you can check list of hospital in TETO, cost : 300000 rupiahs, the process about 3 days)
7. you should have account in bank and a number of money as your Saldo that can guarantee for your life in Taiwan (at least 15.000.000) or you should have letter of sponsor who guarantee you as long as in taiwan
all the process will held in jakarta
hope all will be useful ^_^
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 5:12 AM 0 comments
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tips and trik TOEFL 500 - 600
well here we go :
1. prepare your health, you should do the test in very good condition, before test make sure that you will not go to toilet, come 30 minutes before, use jacket if the room using AC he he...
2. the time for toefl paper based test is 2 hours, contain : listening (50 questions), structure/grammer(40 questions), reading (50 question), so you need to manage your time the way is : never review again your answer before you finish all, so you should answer in one chance no repetation, 1 question about 15-30 seconds, choose the right answer, decrease the answer options then choose the best one for you
3. listening
if i am not mistake, question number 1-25 : listening the dialogue/conversation then answer, 26 - 35 : short conversation, long conversation : 36-50. hear carefully and then answer, for dialogue you need to write on blank paper to remain you again, if the place of your toefl test using type or vcd, so you are better to sit in front of the type or vcd, based on my empiris, it would clearly to listen
4. structure : 40 questions
this question need strategy, you can practice first online : just type on google "online toefl practice" or "online toefl test", and you need 3 days to understand type of the sums and the strategy
5. reading : 50 questions
dont spent to much time to read, tips every single paragraph just read first and second line in the early and last of paragraph.
but the most important is that you should prepare for the questions, understand about type od the sums, how to answer in a short time, you should to be confident and undestand the questions
you can check on gogling for toefl test, and toefl practice
wish you luck guys
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 6:43 AM 12 comments
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my birthday
today i hope that all my way to continue my study to Taiwan will bless and help by Allah SWT, hope all will be clear and ok, god help me for finishing all the thing about my visa, ticket and etc.
i am really happy for all the prayer
thank you for everyone
wish all the best for you all
i do hope i can fly he he
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 10:22 PM 0 comments
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my master of bioinformatics in Asiau
may be until now i dont know it is true or not, because too fast and unpredictable, all thing start from when i practice debate at AMIKOM then suddenly mr dibyo call me and offering me to follow the scholarship program for master degree at Asia University Taiwan, wow it seems like the guardian anggel come to me and blessing me and i was really happy in that time even if i am confuse about financial, because i am from poor family, we dont have much money
then at the end, i got support from my sister and my aunt : deasy asmelia and mery yenni, they were in germany and told me that i should take that scholarship and they will support, it also seems like the anggel come again to me and kiss me oh my gos, i was really grateful to god in that time..
then i follow the process to apply to get the full scholarship, completing all the requirements such as : pasport, anti-hiv aids, recomendation letter, motivation letter, toefl pbt, curriculum vitae, financial statement, aplication letter, and registration fee about 150$ and then i sent that requirement to Asia University by mail and email
i have mr arief that help me in this process, thank you so much mr arief, mr arief is my senior from my collage that already study at Asiau
in the middle of processing this requirement : i also thaungh that i will stop that, because i am afraid about financial, but my sister deasy always suport me and motivate me, and then i stand again.. to continue
then i am waiting the announcement.... (really nervous), about 20 days
then in the morning i got message from mr arief, the content is :hi david..gong xi..gong xi..u'r the next amikomers in taiwan..u get full scholarship, i just know this morning
wow thank you allah, i phone my mom, i cry, i inform my sister, oh my god really mercy comes to me
and then untill know, at this time, i am still processing for resident visa, looking for ticket to taiwan
still not complete yet...
i do hope, god will always bless me, and give the mercy to me so all will be clear
god i love you
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 7:28 PM 1 comments
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Joved 2009 at UNAIR
actually, i dont have a target for the joved 2009 at Unair on august 7th-12th 2009, joved is debate competition for jawa - bali, it was so interisting torney, because i am really enjoy that competition with my team from english debating competition society of STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, the result is so great for me, i got acreditation B as an adjudicator and my team also was show their best
thanks god for everything, i do hope next time AMIKOM will be the champion...
the most important that i have sister and brother around me in there, they are amikom debater and amikom adjudicator for joved 2009 : pipit, didi, chendy, putry, ian, likha, bima and olive, i love every single time with you all, the way of support each other, sense of belonging, loving each others, understanding each others, seems like i can enjoy my time in jogja without my beloved family, its because i have you all..
really sad to be a part from all of you guys.., actually i really need to push you as debater untill you can be the champion in every single competition, but i should go, i should continue my study...
really i love you all, i feel that you are my family, i dont know why....
i do hope all will be ok, and we can get the best...
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 7:11 PM 0 comments
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-1 is better then 0
what i think now that, i should try all that can make me better, the way in teaching, all programs from my company, and everything that related for my carrier i will try even if i am not too confidence even if i am afraid even if the result will going to -1, but at least i have try and i know what should i do for further, at least i have crumble down what i feel i cant and what i feel i afraid to do that..., because zero means die, i will never know, what my lack if i never try
and from today, i also hope i can handle my emotion, because angry is one of blog for us to life for heaven, angry with smile is the most beautiful act that i got from Mr. Suyanto, the leader of stmik amikom Yogyakarta, i love the lesson that i got today...
basicly life also should need others so absolutely we should understand for others the way is focus for them when we in relationship...
today, i realize i am still not be my self, i am still not show off my capability, hope all will be easy
Posted by Bujang Silampari at 5:59 AM 0 comments
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the most romantic message
"I don't love a woman because she is beautiful or sexy, but she is beautiful because i love her......"
snow story
With high curiosity, Belinda asked, "Why do some color white hair Mama?"
Mama said, " every time you make a naughty to mommy or complain, a piece of hair of mama would be changed so white."
belinda is thinking about her mama answer briefly before continuing, "I now understand why all the grandmother hair is white ...."
I LoVe YoU mom....
