experience, friendship, winning, defeating, tears, happiness, prestige, and etc, thank you allah.
let me told you about me as long as in jogja ^_^ here we go, this is true story :
In the begining in 20004 : i go to jogjakarta from lubuk linggau (part of palembang region), by bus, and i dont have any family in jogjakarta, i dont know, just follow my feeling and my parents suggestion but i love it, then my neighbour in sumatera that already study in jogja take me for a few months in his bourding house, my goal is only one, i want entering Stimik AMIKOM Yogyakarta, and i take my major in information technology (i know AMIKOM from television and internet, and i believe).
During my bachelor degree many empiris that i have done in jogja : active in debating society of AMIKOM, debate in everywhere around indonesia, all cost is provided by my collage, in this torney also i found my new family, new sister and brother, we are fighting together, care each others, supporting each others, i love you all full, here there are : Doni Agustian, Custiana, Mandahadi Kusuma, Muhammad Ridwan, Sulidar Fitri, Imam mutakim, Ruslan Abdul Gani, Lutfie, Dwindy stanza, Kharisma Chendika Putra, Rizka Bella, Putri Rianti, Avief Bimantara, Nurmalikhatun, Frian, Nunung, Redy, and all AEC ranggers.
then i also have ever work part time in mentari disc rental here we go :
rental for cd well program, film, songs, really hard to work here, after about 6 months i dont know why it could be, i have last rank of all employer even new employer is in up position even they dont know all the program, film and everything, then i protest to my boss but the answer is simple, he/mas arie call me and said david we need to improve mentari so you better out of mentari, i am so sorry that is because the valuation, wow great, then i go with so sad but confuse because actually valuation is not fair for me but let it go
after 1 week out from mentari i accepted in fortunet that is internet cafe i work there about 4 months, i believe that god love me, and i trust i am not so stupid like what mas arie mentari thinks, he is supervisor of mentari until now not graduated from university may be DO, his salary a month about 1000000 - 2000000, having wife and children and his life depends on mentari, but many grateful for mas arie because of you i can complete my final project and i believe that is allah way for me, i am sorry mas arie to write this, i dont hate you
the reason why i work is because i need money and i am not rich.
Then when i was student i also be part of amikom choir, i was a translater in medikom, adjudicator for debating competition around jogja, so even if my major is IT but english is my life, but i am sure i love IT too.
I have many friends : positive one and negative one means that : any baground of people is interesting for me, naughty but smart and ellegant he he that the most important, still use your brain. then at the end in august 28th 2008 i was graduated from STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta, it was so interesting, because in that graduation agenda where is so formal activity and so many parents and students attend for that ceremony include my parents and my family and i speech as a delegation from all students in front of them, really proud, then i also sing a song in front of them ho ho ho, and in the graduation book, my picture is as a background, i just said waw on that day, and i got my diploma for my bachelor then my planning is i will go back to palembang and looking for job there.
But mr Erik call me and offering me to be lecture assistent in AMIKOM, i am so confuse then after discuss with my sister and my mom then i took that, and i teach and be part of amikom lecture, i thing so different because only one week after graduate and then i be a lecture, i teach many people, wow so in that time my alteration that i feel, well in fashion and everything, but i love it so much, at AMIKOM between lecture and asistent lecture is same, the different is only the salary he he he, as long as teaching at AMIKOM, many empiris that i got, many knowledge that i got, and something positive comes to me, taeching is something drugs when i am stress, looking for people interest to get my lesson is heaven for me, looking for the eyes of ladies student who have a feeling and care then love me he he is something satisfaction for me, got critics is something trouble but fun for me because none perfect, i love it so much...
After 1 years or 2 period of teaching at AMIKOM, i got something great that is offering from mr Dibyo he is my english lecture, for following full scholarship program at Asia University Taiwan, then i follow that, and i also accepted in that program, wow wonderful, so i should continue my master degree in Bioinformatics on september 13th 2009
this is my last time in jogjakarta for 2 years later, coz show must go on
but before go to taiwan i will comeback first to my hometown at Lubuk Linggau to meet my parents and all my family there
cheers ^_^